
My name is Aušra Lazauskienė. I was born in 1973, Vilnius, which is where me and my family currently reside.
I first started marbling paper in 2011. I began my practice by grasping the turkish schooling of this trade. Ebru masters Fatih Yeşil and Alparslan Babaoğlu taught me the subtleties of their craft.
In more recent times, I took interest in the history of marbled paper, and growth of it throughout Europe and Lithuania, as well as recipes that were used in the olden days. In the summer of 2017 I had a unique opportunity to travel to the United States of America, to learn from masters Regina and Daniel St John. I was introduced to an old paper marbling technique, which was prevalent in XVII-XIX century Western Europe, and was revived from old historic books. Distinguishing features of this technique are the way that paint is prepared using natural pigments, the binder using rabbit-skin glue and bees wax, and paper is polished using agate.
Do individual commissions of marbled paper.
Conduct educational lessons for children and adults.
Present lectures about historical development of marbled paper throughout Asia and Europe.
The course of master Fatih Yeşil from Turkey (2011);
The course of paper marbling for children and adults in “Simono dailės studija” (2011 – 2012);
The course of paper marbling for children and adults in “Pažinimo džiaugsmas” (2012 – 2013);
The course of master Alparslan Babaoğlu from Turkey (2015);
In 2016 I became a member of the Vilnius bookbinding guild;
In 2016 I participated in international exhibition “5th World Ebru Day” in Prague. The painting of mine was included in the catalog of the event;
During the Vilnius book fare the historic patterns of marbled paper were introduced (2016, 2018);
The workshops of paper marbling was periodically made in the craftsmans union “Dvaro meistrai” (2016 – 2018);
The course of masters Regina and Daniel St John from USA (2017);
The exhibition “Historic marbled paper patterns“ in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (2017);
The lectures about “Marbled paper historical development“ (The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences ) (2017);
The exhibition “Marbled paper patterns of XVII-XIX centuries“ in the library “Adomas Mickevičius“ (2018);
The exhibition of Vilnius Bookbinders Guild “BOOKbinders BOOKs” in the Exhibition Hall of the Library at M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art (2020).