17 – 21. 10. 2017 every tuesday at 04:00 PM, in the “Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių” libary, a lecture cycle took place, for (book) restorers, bibliologists, bookbinders, museologists, bibliophiles, and to anybody who had a keen interest the development and history of books. This five lecture cycle was a closer look at decoration elements on historic books, which would then reveal the beginnings of the modern day book. Lecturers were members of Vilnius bookbinders guild.

17. 10. 2017 in the library of “Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių”, a lecture about historic development of marbled paper in Asia took place, presented by Aušra Lazauskienė.
24. 10. 2017 in the library of “Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių”, lecturer Aušra Lazauskienė presented the historic development of marbled paper in Europe.
17. 10 – 07. 11. 2017 an exhibition put together by Aušra Lazauskienė took place. It was named „Istoriniai marmurinio popieriaus raštai”, which translates to “Historic patterns of marbled paper”.